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A Love Story

Women are especially susceptible  to comparison. We either compare ourselves to others  in a  superior way that leads to pride, or we focus on someone else who seems to have the perfect life which can lead to jealousy, discontentment and unnecessary competition.  You can break free from either extreme. Remind yourself daily of this truth. I am Loved by God.

The secret to contentment is found in Jesus Christ.  He says I have blessed you with every spiritual blessing, I have granted you life so beautiful and filled with my grace and power.

God thinks the world of you, you are worth dying for.

No matter the circumstances you find yourself right now, learn to trust God as a child trust his or her parents. Unequivocally believe in the love of your heavenly father, It is unconditional just for you.

Jesus wants you to identify Him as your good shepherd, who will love you and direct you to an expected end. He knows His sheep and He cares for you.

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