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You can do anything you put your mind to " Is a good advice for building a girl's self-esteem but its not a fail-proof maxim.

Sometimes  our talents, effort and determination are just not enough to help us reach our goals. There are and will always be things beyond our control.

The real problem comes when we seek to become self -sufficient in contrast to our heavenly father's  love which states He has already chosen us. God tells us that in Christ we can do everything,

But the everything God is referring to is not guarantee of success in human terms, it's a promise that Jesus will get us through whatever situation we are facing.

A failed job, death of a loved one, a lost desire ? God has revealed time and time again that He can help us relearn to trust Him. He has already chosen us. Its a matter of cultivating a relationship with Him and fortifying your trust in His faithfulness and commitment to you.

Close your eyes and picture yourself resting in His arms

Can you feel His love for you?

Declare I am Loved.

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