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God Our Creator

The creator of everything, God spoke and the world came into existence - His imagination created the heavens and earth and all they contain; stars, planets, mountains, oceans, animals and plants. And the highlights of all that is around you and I.

It's very easy to forget that all things that surround you comes from somewhere  and belongs to someone.

Remember today that everything you touch and feel-even the air that you breath - is created by God and they are all the fruit of His imagination including YOU.

So what do you think God feels about You?

You are special to Him and He desires to spend time with you on a daily basis.

What a difference this will make in your life, if you will make Him your priority by responding to Him on a daily basis.

Begin by reading each chapter a day and reflect on His love towards you. Engage in communicating with Him by praying to the One who cares and loves you unconditionally- Jesus the Saviour of the world.

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