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Joyful Living

The joy of the Lord is one the foundation in a relationship with God.

No one is perfect, But what exactly makes us avoid a joyful living in Christ Jesus?

See many people are overwhelmed by family and life's dysfunctions which is simply deviating from the norm. What is it that is ceasing your joy in this season ?

Satan has been after your joy for many years, don't release it to Him, protect your joy by meditating on the word of God and choosing to release toxic relationships in your life.

Switch your attitude today to purposely begin to live a joyful life which is rooted in the Love of Jesus.

What Is Joy ? It is the confidence assurance that God is in control of every detail of my life. 

Ultimately everything is going to be alright In Him.

i declare today that, the joy of the Lord is my strength.

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