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Still Small Voice

Sometimes we feel lost in the hustle and bustle of the world around us. The sense of urgency to get tasks completed; cook dinner, help the children with sports, & homework, respond to  e-mails, the list goes on...

Do you often get caught thinking  you need a perfectly curated “Quiet Time” to hear God ? longing for His still small voice? Sitting with a hot cup of sweet tea, a cozy blanket and focusing on the Lord, looking for His peace?

Be encouraged, His name is Jehovah Shammah which means Our God who is always there. God has always been close to you, He will never leave you nor forsake you. He sees and understands your seasons. He is right there with you.

The truth is that you don’t need a curated quiet time steeped in perfection to talk with God, He is ready to speak with you in the language you understand the most. Take comfort in this story from 1 Kings.

Pray for the stillness and quietness in your heart, you will be able to hear God’s whisper there.

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