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Healing from past hurt takes courage, tenacity and time. Women who deal with the temptation to keep others at arms length are usually exercising a heightened response of self preservation.

Any number of situations, including parents' divorce, childhood abuse, infidelity or a break up in a relationship can cause this reflex. After someone deeply wounds us, it is normal to feel like shutting down so that no one can hurt us again.

However if we indulge this natural response and develop a habit of putting on walls, we never move past our pain.

Unashamedly following Jesus as our model means we must loosen the hold our pain has on us and truly engage with other people.

Remember Jesus is ready to heal you and encourages you to walk unashamedly in His love and peace. Others need you. You may be withholding love and encouragement from friends who really need you to let them in.

Remember every relationship has the potential  for both blessings and pain.

Choose love and unashamedly walk in it.

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